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5 Benefits of a Detox Bath

Detox baths are a great way to improve your health and wellbeing!

Here are 5 benefits you gain from taking detox baths:

  1. Draw toxins from the body

  2. Improve circulation

  3. Improve organ function

  4. Soothe skin

  5. Ease the mind

Soothing Detox Bath

Warm Bath Water

5-10 Drops Essential Oils of your choice

½ Cup Epsom Salt

½ Dead Sea Salt

Soak in the tub for 20 minutes and rinse off in the shower. Apply your favorite lotion and drink a glass of water. The water will assist in flushing toxins that have been moved by increased blood flow. Get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed!

Toxins build-up in the body over time and need to be removed. The salts in the detox bath helps draw the toxins out through the pores of our skin. Soaking in warm water helps blood and lymph flow through the body, moving the toxins throughout so it can be filtered by the kidneys. A detox bath can be enjoyed once or twice a month.

Feel free to contact me for more information regarding detoxing!

In my next post I’ll be discussing skin types vs skin conditions.

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