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Moisturize to Protect & Nourish

Not all moisturizers are created equal!

Earlier this week we talked about keeping your skin protected throughout the winter. The best way to do this is by using a high quality moisturizer that is right for your skin.

All skin-types and conditions need to moisturize twice daily. For obvious reasons, dry skin needs to moisturize to compensate for the lack of oil (sebum) and water in the epidermis. The normal skin types need to maintain their healthy skin. Oily/acne prone skin needs to use a product that attracts and encourages water retention in the epidermis, this will trick the sebaceous glands to stop over producing sebum.

Choosing a moisturizer can be overwhelming! In the beauty world and your local drugstore, there is a vast selection of products to use from. But which is the best for your skin? You may find products labeled as 'lotion/hydrating cream/day creme/creme/night creme/serum/moisturizer', read on to see what will work for you.

First and foremost, let me say this - ditch the mineral oil. Stop what you're doing and check all of your beauty products for this ingredient. Did it contain mineral oil? Yes - throw it out. This ingredient is commonly found in makeup removers and moisturizers. What I have found with my clients is this ingredient wreaks havoc on the skin. It causes an excess buildup of cells which leads to the formation of milia. Milia is a condition that appears as a 'white head' but it can not be extracted. They are small, round, white masses of sebum and dead skin with no visible opening. It takes serious exfoliation and potentially a trip to the dermatologist (or medi-spa) to have them removed.

Now, moving on, let's discuss moisturizers.

1. Provides protection from the elements.

2. Treats various conditions and skin problems (acne, wrinkles, redness, etc)

3. Provides nutrients via specific ingredients.

4. Balances the skin's water-oil content.

Dry Skin

Key Ingredients: Water, Botanical Oils, Hyaluronic Acid

Benefits from: Oil based creams. These will have a thicker consistency and referred to as 'cold creme/day creme/night creme'.

Normal Skin

Key Ingredients: Water, Botanical Oils, Hyaluronic Acid

Benefits from: Congradulations you have well-functioning skin! Find a well balanced daily moisturizer. Use a lighter hydrating lotion or day cream during the day and a heavier moisturizer at night.

Oily Skin

Key Ingredients: Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe, Jojoba Oil

Benefits from: Water based lotions or gels. Choosing a moisturizer that is very light and has a thin consistency will work best for your skin.

Acne-Prone Skin

Key Ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Vitamin A, Hyaluronic Acid

Benefits from: Water based lotions and gels. This condition is similar to oily skin types but should contain treatment ingredients to target the bacteria that causes breakouts to occur.

Lookout for tomorrow's post covering exfoliation!

Contact me for specific recommendations or a personal skin analysis.

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