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10 Benefits of Exfoliation

Exfoliation is the removal of surface cells.

Today I am continuing on the subject of skincare and exfoliation. This step in your beauty regimen is important to do at least once a week. However, as the cool and dry months roll in, you need to bump this up to 2-4 times per week to keep your skin renewed.

There are two types of exfoliation: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical exfoliation physically removes the dead surface cells with the use of granular products and/or machines. Chemical exfoliation dissolves surface cells with the use of chemical agents such as Acids or Enzymes. There are plenty of products available for use at home and your esthetician has an arsenal of treatments to help you achieve the level of exfoliation appropriate for your skin.

Here are 10 benefits of exfoliation

  1. Smoother, softer skin

  2. Refined pores

  3. Increased cell turn-over

  4. Cleaner follicle openings

  5. Makes deep cleaning easier

  6. Skins ability to retain moisture is improved

  7. Improved product penetration and retention

  8. Improved circulation and bloodflow to the skin

  9. Tone and clarity of skin is improved

  10. Removes excess buildup of dirt, oil, and debris

Those are some pretty amazing benefits! Make sure you start to incorporate this step into your weekly regimen if you aren't already doing so. Also, you should be getting regular professional exfoliation treatments. Your esthetician has the ability to do deeper exfoliation treatments than you will achieve with O-T-C products and can perform safe extractions. Attempting extractions on yourself can permanently damage your skin.

What ingredients should you look for in exfoliating products?

Jojoba beads or esters, oatmeal, almond meal, AHA (Alpha hydroxy acids), BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acids), Vitamin A, Tourmaline, Bamboo, Enzymes (pineapple, etc)

What ingredients should be avoided?

Microbeads (plastic, awful for your skin and the environment), nut shells, seeds (apricot scrubs)

Stay tuned for my next segment on detox baths!

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